916-487-7148         info@davidlewisdmd.com

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916.487.7148 Call today for a free smile makeover consultation



At Lewis Laboratories, our lab technicians have over 10 years of experience working with Dr. Lewis. Quality control results from having the dental laboratory on site.

Enabling communication among the dentist, our patients, and our lab technicians for each and every case provides total control and pleasing results for every piece that is fabricated.

Modifications in colors, shades, contours, and shapes of our crowns and bridgework can be easily corrected, when needed, while our patients are still in the dental chair. Our laboratory takes pride in providing a quality product for all our patients.

Selecting Our Own Laboratory Materials

I've seen over the last 30 years just how important it is to use compatible dental materials in our patient's mouths. Although this may not be a major concern for most dentists and dental laboratories in this country at this time, studies have shown that choices in materials, especially the metal alloys, are crucial to the patient's long-term health and wellness.  

Dr. David M. Lewis - 4350 Marconi Ave. Suite 100 - Sacramento California, 95821
Phone: 916-487-7148 - Fax: 916-487-7149 - Email: info@davidlewisdmd.com

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